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TweenLite.to($('#small_depth_menu').find('.parent-' + $active_menu.attr('id')), .3, {autoAlpha: 1}); } // open TweenLite.to($menu_overlay, .3, {autoAlpha: 1,onStart: function() {$menu_overlay.css('display', 'block');}}); TweenLite.fromTo($menu_container, .3, {x: '0%'}, { x: '-100%', onStart: function() { $menu_container.css('display', 'block'); TweenLite.to([$lang_menu_container, $search_container], .3, {autoAlpha: 1, delay: .2}); }, onComplete: function() { isOpen = false; } }); TweenLite.to($menu_close_btn, .5, { x: -($menu_container.outerWidth() + $menu_close_btn.outerWidth() + 5) }); } else { menu_close_action(); } }); // close menu $('#small_menu_close, #small_menu_overlay').on('click',function(){ menu_close_action(); }); // close menu function menu_close_action(){ TweenLite.to($menu_overlay, .5, {autoAlpha: 0,onComplete: function() {$menu_overlay.css('display', 'none');}}); TweenLite.to($menu_container, .5, { x: '100%', onStart: function() { TweenLite.set([$lang_menu_container, $search_container], { autoAlpha: 0 }); // search close if(!search_open) { $('#search_popup').css('display', 'none'); // hide motion search_close_action(); } }, onComplete: function() { $menu_container.css('display', 'none'); $('#small_menu > li').removeClass('open'); $('#small_depth_menu_nav').removeClass('open'); TweenLite.set($('#small_depth_menu_nav'), {x: '0%'}); TweenLite.set($('#small_depth_menu > li'), {autoAlpha: 0}); $body.removeClass('open_menu'); isOpen = true; } }); TweenLite.to($menu_close_btn, .3, {x: 0}); } } // 2depth menu function small_screen_nav_toggle(){ // menu top level link $('#small_menu').on('click', 'li', function(e){ e.preventDefault(); var $this = $(this); var depth_class = '.parent-' + $this.attr('id'); var $depth_menu = $('#small_depth_menu').find(depth_class); if( $depth_menu.length > 0) { // 1depth $('#small_menu > li').removeClass('open'); $this.addClass('open'); // 2depth if(!$('#small_depth_menu_nav').hasClass('open')) { $('#small_depth_menu_nav').addClass('open'); TweenLite.fromTo($('#small_depth_menu_nav'), .3, { x: '0%' }, { x: '-100%', onStart: function() { TweenLite.set($('#small_depth_menu > li'), {autoAlpha: 0}); TweenLite.to($depth_menu, .3, {autoAlpha: 1}); } }); } else { TweenLite.set($('#small_depth_menu > li'), {autoAlpha: 0}); TweenLite.to($depth_menu, .3, {autoAlpha: 1}); } } else { window.location.href = $(this).find('a').attr('href'); } }); } // GNB MENU HOVER function screen_nav_hover() { if( !is_mobile() ) { $('#header').hover(function(){ TweenMax.killTweensOf($('.menu_container_bg')); TweenMax.to($('.menu_container_bg'), .3, {height: gnb_sub_menu_height, onStart: function(){ TweenMax.set($('.menu_container_bg'), {autoAlpha: 1}); $('#menu ul.sub-menu').stop().slideDown(300); }}); $('#header').addClass('open'); }, function() { TweenMax.killTweensOf($('.menu_container_bg')); TweenMax.to($('.menu_container_bg'), .3, {height: 0, onStart: function(){ $('#menu ul.sub-menu').stop().slideUp(280); }, onComplete: function(){ TweenMax.set($('.menu_container_bg'), {autoAlpha: 0}); }}); $('#header').removeClass('open'); }); } else { $('#menu > li > a').on('click', function(event) { event.preventDefault(); if( !$('#header').hasClass('open') ) { TweenMax.killTweensOf($('.menu_container_bg')); TweenMax.to($('.menu_container_bg'), .3, {height: gnb_sub_menu_height, onStart: function(){ TweenMax.set($('.menu_container_bg'), {autoAlpha: 1}); $('#menu ul.sub-menu').stop().slideDown(300); }}); $('#header').addClass('open'); } else { var thisHref = $(this).attr('href'); location.href=thisHref; } }); } //�¬ì»¤�� ×¼붾돱 // $('#menu').on('focusin', function(){ // TweenMax.killTweensOf($('.menu_container_bg')); // TweenMax.to($('.menu_container_bg'), .3, {height: gnb_sub_menu_height, onStart: function(){ // TweenMax.set($('.menu_container_bg'), {autoAlpha: 1}); // $('#menu ul.sub-menu').stop().slideDown(300); // }}); // }).on('focusout', function(){ // TweenMax.killTweensOf($('.menu_container_bg')); // TweenMax.to($('.menu_container_bg'), .3, {height: 0, onStart: function(){ // $('#menu ul.sub-menu').stop().slideUp(280); // }, onComplete: function(){ // TweenMax.set($('.menu_container_bg'), {autoAlpha: 0}); // }}); // }) } // GNB layout setting function menu_layout_setting(){ // add background markup (full menu) $('.header_inner').prepend('
'; var $sub_menu_clone = $sub_menu.clone(); $('#small_depth_menu').append($sub_menu_li); $('.' + parent_id).append($sub_menu_clone); } }); } // GNB 2depth menu match height function menu_height_setting() { var $sub_menu = $('#menu > li > ul.sub-menu'); // clear gnb_sub_menu_height = 0; $sub_menu.height('auto'); // sub menu height matching $sub_menu.each(function(){ if($(this).height() > gnb_sub_menu_height) { gnb_sub_menu_height = $(this).height(); } }); $sub_menu.height(gnb_sub_menu_height) } // scroll top button function scroll_top(){ var $window = $(window); var $document = $(document); var $footer = $('#footer'); var $scrollBtn = $('#go_top'); $scrollBtn.on('click',function(){ $("html, body").stop().animate({ scrollTop: 0 }, 600); return false; }); $window.on('scroll', function() { if ($window.scrollTop() < $document.height() - $window.height() - $footer.outerHeight() + 37) { $scrollBtn.addClass('js_go_top_fix'); } else { $scrollBtn.removeClass('js_go_top_fix'); } if ($window.scrollTop() < $window.height()) { $scrollBtn.addClass('js_go_top_hide'); 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new TweenLite.fromTo ($close_btn, .2, {autoAlpha: 0,}, {autoAlpha: 1,ease: Power0.easeNone,delay: .1,onStart: function(){$close_btn.css('display', 'block');}}); } else { search_close_action(); } }); // close $close_btn.on('click', function(e){ e.preventDefault(); search_close_action(); // �¬ì»¤�� ë³µì썝 $('.search_btn').focus(); }); // input $input.keydown(function(){ $form.addClass('active'); }); $input.keyup(function(){ if( $input.val() == '' ){ $form.removeClass('active'); } else { $form.addClass('active'); } }); $input.focusout(function(){ if( $input.val() == '' ){ $form.removeClass('active'); } else { $form.addClass('active'); } }); } // search close action function search_close_action() { new TweenLite.to($('#search_popup'), .4, { y: '-100%', ease: Power4.easeOut, onComplete: function() { $('#search_popup').css('display', 'none'); $('#search_close_btn').css('display', 'none'); $('#search_field').val(''); $('#search_field').blur(); $('body').removeClass('search_open'); search_open = true; } }); } // ios debugging function ios_debugging(){ var target = $('.jt_underline_btn'); if( is_mobile_ios() ){ target.on('click touchend',function(e){ window.location = this.href; }); } } var skr; launch_skrollr(); // skrollr first load init function launch_skrollr() { if( !is_mobile() ) { skr_init(); $(window).on('load',function(){ // load again when img a load if( skr != null ) { skr.refresh(); } }) } } // skrollr init function function skr_init(){ if($(window).width() <= 1023) { if( skr != null ) { skr.destroy(); } } else { skr = skrollr.init({ smoothScrolling: false, forceHeight: false }); } } // motion waypoint_css_motion(); $(window).load(function() { motion_with_class(); //smooth_scroll(); }); /*function smooth_scroll(){ if(is_mobile() || is_mac_os()) return; $("html").easeScroll(); }*/ // function smooth_scroll(){ // if(is_mobile() || is_mac_os()) return; // var $window = $(window); // var scrollTime = 1; // var scrollDistance = $window.height() / 2.5; // $window.on("mousewheel DOMMouseScroll", function(event){ // event.preventDefault(); // var delta = event.originalEvent.wheelDelta/120 || -event.originalEvent.detail/3; // var scrollTop = $window.scrollTop(); // var finalScroll = scrollTop - parseInt(delta*scrollDistance); // TweenMax.to($window, scrollTime, { // scrollTo : { y: finalScroll, autoKill:true }, // ease: Power3.easeOut, // overwrite: 5 // }); // }); // } function motion_with_class(){ // nothing on mobile if(is_mobile()) return; // Title (h2 h3 ...) $('.jt_animate_title').each(function() { var $this = $(this); var tl = new TimelineLite({paused:true}); TweenMax.set($this, {autoAlpha:0, y:50}); // avoid ie fouc tl.to($this, 1.4, motion_args({ autoAlpha:1, y:0, ease:Back.easeOut})); $this.waypoint(function() { tl.play(); this.destroy(); }, { offset: "90%" }); }); // Subtitle $('.jt_animate_subtitle').each(function() { var $this = $(this); var tl = new TimelineLite({paused:true}); TweenMax.set($this, {autoAlpha:0, y:50}); // avoid ie fouc tl.to($this, 1.2, motion_args({ autoAlpha:1, y:0, ease:Back.easeOut})); $this.waypoint(function() { tl.play(); this.destroy(); }, { offset: "90%" }); }); // Buttom $('.jt_animate_btn').each(function() { var $this = $(this); var tl = new TimelineLite({paused:true}); TweenMax.set($this, {autoAlpha:0}); // avoid ie fouc tl.to($this, 1.2, { autoAlpha:1, ease:Back.easeOut}); $this.waypoint(function() { tl.play(); this.destroy(); }, { offset: "70%" }); }); // Text $('.jt_animate_txt').each(function() { var $this = $(this); var tl = new TimelineLite({paused:true}); if($(window).width() > 1400){ var txt_original = $this.html(); // var txt_split = new SplitText($this , {type:"lines"}); // var lines = txt_split.lines; //an array of all the divs that wrap each character // Avoid ie fouc TweenMax.set($this, {autoAlpha:0, y:30}); // Animate tl.staggerTo($this, 2.2, motion_args({autoAlpha:1, y:0, ease:Back.easeOut, onComplete : function(){ $this.html(txt_original); }}), 0.1, "+=0"); }else{ // simple motion on medium screen // 9br issue, remove br from the dom not working) TweenMax.set($this, {autoAlpha:0, y:30}); tl.to($this, 2.2, motion_args({ autoAlpha:1, y:0, ease:Back.easeOut})); } $this.waypoint(function() { tl.play(); this.destroy(); }, { offset: "90%" }); }); // 3d Card $('.jt_animate_card').each(function() { var $this = $(this); var off_set = $this.attr('data-offset'); var tl = new TimelineLite({paused:true}); if(off_set == undefined){ off_set = '100%'; } if($this.hasClass('jt_animate_card_no_3d')){ tl.from($this, 1.6, {y:'50%',force3D:true, ease:Power3.easeOut}); }else{ TweenMax.set($this, {css:{transformPerspective:400, transformStyle:"preserve-3d"}}); tl.from($this, 1.6, {y:'40%', z: 40, rotationX:4,force3D:true, ease:Power3.easeOut}); } tl.from($this, 0.5, {autoAlpha:0, ease:Power3.easeOut},"-=1.6"); $this.waypoint(function() { tl.play(); this.destroy(); }, { offset: off_set }); }); } function waypoint_css_motion(){ // nothing on mobile if(is_mobile()) return; // use each loop the get the offset from the data attribut $('.jt_waypoint').each(function() { var $this = $(this); $this.waypoint(function() { $this.addClass('jt_animate'); this.destroy(); }, { offset: $this.attr("data-offset") }); }); } // Debug ie not smoothy text motion function motion_args(args){ if($('html').hasClass('ie')){ args.rotation = 0.1; } return args } jt_board_list_fullclick() // LIST FULL CLICK function jt_board_list_fullclick() { $('.jt_newsfeed_item').on('click', function(e){ e.stopPropagation(); var target = e.target; var url = $(this).find('a:first').attr('href'); if(url != undefined){ if($('body').find('.jt_newsfeed_origin').length > 0) { // �¸ë줎ë³´ë룄, IR�먮즺�� var openNewWindow = window.open("about:blank"); openNewWindow.location.href = url; return false; } else { window.location.href = url; } } }); } // sub sub_page_section(); subpage_title_motion(); function sub_resize(){ sub_page_section(); } $(window).on('resize',sub_resize); function subpage_title_motion(){ // nothing on mobile if(is_mobile()) return; var $header = $('.article_header'); var tl = new TimelineLite({delay:0.5}); if($('.article_title').length > 0 ){ // var title = new SplitText($('.article_title'), {type:"chars"}); // var title_chars = title.chars; tl.staggerFromTo($('.article_title'), 1, motion_args({force3D:true, autoAlpha:0, y:10}), motion_args({autoAlpha:1, y:0, ease:Back.easeOut, onComplete:function(){ $('.article_title').addClass('completed'); } }), 0.1, "+=0.4") } if($('.article_sub_title').length > 0 ){ // var subtitle = new SplitText($('.article_sub_title'), {type:"chars"}); // var subtitle_chars = subtitle.chars; tl.staggerFromTo($('.article_sub_title'), 2, motion_args({force3D:true, autoAlpha:0, y:-10}), motion_args({autoAlpha:1, y:0, ease:Power3.easeOut }), 0.1, "-=1.2") } if($('.article_desc').length > 0 ){ var $desc = $('.article_desc'); var desc_txt_original = $desc.html(); // var desc = new SplitText($desc, {type:"lines"}); // var desc_lines = desc.lines; tl.staggerFromTo($desc,2.5, motion_args({force3D:true,autoAlpha:0, y:10}), motion_args({autoAlpha:1, y:0, ease:Power3.easeOut, onComplete : function(){ $desc.html(desc_txt_original); } }), 0.1, "-=1.4"); } $header.imagesLoaded( { background: '.article_header_bg' }, function() { $header.addClass('bg_loaded'); }); } // sub page layout setting function sub_page_section(){ var $window = $(window), $article_header = $('.article_header'), $article_inner = $('.article_header_inner'), $article_breadcrumbs = $('.article_breadcrumbs'), $breadcrumbs = $('.breadcrumb'), over_height = 0; if( !$article_header.length ) { return; } if(!is_screen(1550)) { over_height = 206; } else if(!is_screen(1400)) { over_height = 170; } else if(!is_screen(1280)){ over_height = 130; } else { over_height = 0; } // $article_header.height($window.height()); // if(!is_screen(1280)) { // $article_inner.css('height', $window.height()); // $article_breadcrumbs.css({ // 'height': $breadcrumbs.outerHeight(), // 'margin-top': -($breadcrumbs.outerHeight()) // }); // } else { // $article_inner.css('height', $window.height()); // $article_breadcrumbs.css({ // 'height': 'auto', // 'margin-top': 0 // }); // } // $article_inner.css('height', $window.height()); // $article_breadcrumbs.css({ // 'height': $breadcrumbs.outerHeight(), // 'margin-top': -($breadcrumbs.outerHeight() - 1) // }); } /* * Displacmeent mapping * USAGE : - data-img="/images/sub/visual/ceo-visual-fg.jpg" - data-depth="/images/sub/visual/ceo-visual-depth.jpg" - data-intensity="50" */ function jt_displacement(){ // nothing on mobile if(is_mobile()) return; // Nothing if not necessary (avoid bug and perf issue) if($('.article_header_bg').length <= 0 || $('.article_header_bg').attr('data-img') == undefined || $('.article_header_bg').attr('data-depth') == undefined || $('.article_header_bg').attr('data-img') == ""|| $('.article_header_bg').attr('data-depth') == "") { return; } // Clean pixi console PIXI.utils.skipHello(); // Init the requ var win_w = window.innerWidth; var win_h = window.innerHeight; var w = 1903; var h = 1160; var scale = 1; var breacrumb_offset = 0; if(win_w > w ){ w = win_w+30; h = win_w/1.65517241379; //breacrumb_offset = Math.abs(parseInt($('.article_breadcrumbs').css('margin-top'))); //scale = $('.article_header_bg').width()/($('.article_header_bg').height() + breacrumb_offset); } //var w = 1903; //var h = 1160; //var containerSize = {x:window.innerWidth ,y:1160}; var renderer = new PIXI.WebGLRenderer(w, h,{ transparent: true }); var cOutput = $('.article_header_bg')[0]; var intensity = 20; if($('.article_header_bg').attr('data-intensity') != undefined && $('.article_header_bg').attr('data-intensity') != ""){ intensity = parseInt($('.article_header_bg').attr('data-intensity')); } // avoid overflow $('.article_header_bg').width(win_w).css('overflow','hidden'); cOutput.appendChild(renderer.view); var stage = new PIXI.Container(); var container = new PIXI.Container(); var foreground = new PIXI.Container(); stage.addChild(container); stage.addChild(foreground); var f; var d; var fg; var mousex = w/2, mousey = h/2; var ploader = new PIXI.loaders.Loader(); var img_original = $('.article_header_bg').attr('data-img'); var img_depth = $('.article_header_bg').attr('data-depth'); // Load and Run var init = function(){ ploader.add('fg', img_original); ploader.add('depth', img_depth); ploader.once('complete', displacement); // Begin loading - ploader.load(); }, // Init the magic displacement = function() { fg = new PIXI.Sprite(ploader.resources.fg.texture); //fg = background(containerSize, new PIXI.Sprite.fromImage(ploader.resources.fg.texture),'cover'); //console.log(fg.height); // Cover var sp = {x:fg.width,y:fg.height}; var winratio = win_w/win_h; var spratio = sp.x/sp.y; var scale = 1; var pos = new PIXI.Point(0,0); //console.log(winratio); //console.log(spratio); if(winratio > spratio) { //photo is wider than background //console.log('photo is wider than background'); scale = w/sp.x; pos.y = -((sp.y*scale)-h)/2 } else { //photo is taller than background //console.log('photo is taller than background'); scale = h/sp.y ; pos.x = -((sp.x*scale)-w)/2 } fg.scale = new PIXI.Point(scale,scale); fg.position = pos; foreground.addChild(fg); d = new PIXI.Sprite(ploader.resources.depth.texture); f = new PIXI.filters.DisplacementFilter(d, 0); fg.filters = [f]; $('.article_header').on("mousemove", function(e) { mousex = e.clientX; mousey = e.clientY; }); animate(); }, // Animate animate = function() { //f.scale.x = (window.innerWidth/2 - mousex) / 50; //f.scale.y = (window.innerHeight/2 - mousey) / 50; f.scale.x = ($('.article_header').width()/2 - mousex) / intensity; f.scale.y = ($('.article_header').height()/2 - mousey) / intensity; fg.addChild(d); d.renderable=false; renderer.render(stage); requestAnimationFrame(animate); }, // RWD size = function(){ $('.article_header_bg').width($(window).width()); $('.article_header_bg').empty(); // resize pixis //var new_scale = get_scale(); //fg.scale = new PIXI.Point(new_scale,new_scale); }; // Start init(); // Resize $(window).on('resize',function(){ size(); }); /* function background(bgSize, inputSprite, type, forceSize) { var sprite = inputSprite; var bgContainer = new PIXI.Container(); var mask = new PIXI.Graphics().beginFill(0x8bc5ff).drawRect(0,0, bgSize.x, bgSize.y).endFill(); bgContainer.mask = mask; bgContainer.addChild(mask); bgContainer.addChild(sprite); var sp = {x:sprite.width,y:sprite.height}; if(forceSize) sp = forceSize; var winratio = bgSize.x/bgSize.y; var spratio = sp.x/sp.y; var scale = 1; var pos = new PIXI.Point(0,0); if(type == 'cover' ? (winratio > spratio) : (winratio < spratio)) { //photo is wider than background scale = bgSize.x/sp.x; pos.y = -((sp.y*scale)-bgSize.y)/2 } else { //photo is taller than background scale = bgSize.y/sp.y; pos.x = -((sp.x*scale)-bgSize.x)/2 } sprite.scale = new PIXI.Point(scale,scale); sprite.position = pos; return bgContainer; } */ } // �µì떖ê°�ì¹� slider value_core_slider(); function value_core_slider(){ // slider var $slider = $('#value_core_slider'), fx_mode = 'none'; if( !$slider.length ){ return; } // safari browser if(is_browser_safari()) { fx_mode = 'fade'; } // svg motion variables var $line = $('#value_core_circle_line'), open_values = "0% 25%;25% 50%;50% 75%;75% 100%".split(";"), close_values = "25% 25%;50% 50%;75% 75%;100% 100%".split(";"), line_index = 0, pager_index = 0, tm_object; // line setting TweenMax.set($line, {drawSVG:'0', visibility:"visible"}); // flip setting if(!is_browser_safari()) { TweenMax.set($slider, {perspective: 1000}); TweenMax.set(".value_core_slider_img", {transformStyle: 'preserve-3d', autoAlpha: 0}); TweenMax.set(".value_core_slider_img.back", {rotationY: -180}); } // pre init $(document).on('cycle-initialized', $slider, function( event, opts ){ if($(event.target).hasClass('value_core_slider')) { // settings if(!is_browser_safari()) { TweenMax.set($('.value_core_slider_item:eq(0) .value_core_slider_img'), {autoAlpha:1}); } $('#value_core_pager > li:eq(0)').addClass('active'); $('#value_core_list > li:eq(0)').addClass('active'); change_motion(); // slider pause tm_object.pause(); $slider.cycle('pause'); // slider play (waypoint) $('#value_core_slider').waypoint(function() { tm_object.resume(); $slider.cycle('resume'); }, { offset: "80%" }); } }); // Run cycle $slider.cycle({ slides : '> div', timeout : 5000, speed : 1400, swipe : false, log : false, fx : fx_mode }); // cycle before $slider.on( 'cycle-before', function(event, opts, currEl, nextEl, fwdFlag) { // disable click during the transition $('#value_core_pager > li, #value_core_list > li').off('click', switch_slide_on_click); if( is_mobile_ios() ){ // ios touch debugging $('#value_core_pager > li, #value_core_list > li').off('click touchend', switch_slide_on_click); } if(!is_browser_safari()) { // get index var now_index = $(currEl).index(); var next_index = $(nextEl).index(); // set back image var back_src = $('.value_core_slider_item:eq('+ next_index +')').attr('data-image'); $('.value_core_slider_item:eq('+ now_index +') .value_core_slider_img.back').empty().append(' '); // add small menu markup $('#menu > li').each(function(){ var $this = $(this), $sub_menu = $this.find('> ul.sub-menu'), parent_id = 'parent-' + $this.attr('id'); // 1depth $('#small_menu').append($this.clone().find('> ul.sub-menu').remove().end()); // 2depth if(!!$sub_menu.length){ var $sub_menu_li = '